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Dynamics of Coding Matter and the Origin of Life (DYCOMAT)

Dates: March 14 & 15,  2024

Venue: Edificio Sa Riera, Universidad de las Islas Baleares, Carrer de Miquel dels Sants Oliver, 2, Palma




One of the main challenging problems in evolutionary molecular biology is understanding the mechanisms that led to the emergence of chemical digital coding from inanimate matter. While recent advances, such as the identification of fougerite as a putative coding material have been made, there are currently no reasonable theoretical models describing this transition.

The primary objective of this interdisciplinary workshop is to bring together scientists from the fields of physics, mathematics, biology, and computer sciences to address two key questions central to the present COST action:

  • The possible characterization of living matter (encoding matter) versus inanimate (non-encoding) matter in terms of their ability to carry an adequate program compatible with life written in a realistic language.

  • Exploration of the specific role of dynamics in encoding matter and possible phase transitions between non-encoding and encoding states of matter at the origin of life.


The Workshop will contribute to the integration of Dynamical System concepts on the interrelation between coding and decoding along the flux of biological information and related aspects on the theories of the origin of life.  Moreover, will favor the development and exchange of knowhow, integration, training, and promotion of specific collaborations in the modelling of genomic information. The anticipated outcome of this activity will serve as an integrative synthesis, interweaving the research threads developed in the Bolzano and Porto Conferences and Workshops. In doing so, it will consolidate the findings related to the application of the dynamical systems approach in understanding the fundamentals of the flow of genetic information.


The spirit of DYCOMAT is to actively promote collaboration among its participants. In this regard, the organization intends not to be a mere sequence of informative talks but mainly to foster effective collaborative working tables to address the specific objectives of DYNALIFE.


The conference then foresees

  • Plenary talks of 45 minutes (40 + discussion),

  • Short presentations of 20 minutes (15 + discussion),

  • Collaborative working tables.

  • Poster sessions.


Parallel sessions will be avoided.



Scientific Committee

  • Julyan Cartwright

  • Simone Giannerini

  • Diego Gonzalez

  • Clara Gracio

  • Oreste Piro

  • Michael Russell

Organizing  Committee

  • Jorge Arrieta

  • Ivan Marques-Campillo

  • Oreste Piro

COST Reimbursement

The allocated funds for this Conference allow for around 15 fully reimbursed participants; thus, depending on the number of applications, we shall apply some constraints for deciding on full support; in case, the most important aspect is the presentation of a paper well aligned with the aims and objectives of the Action and the thematic focus of the Workshop.


Please specify in the registration form whether you need a COST refund (i.e. you are not able to attend the conference without COST support). If you are relying on COST financial assistance, kindly refrain from making any travel arrangements until a decision on the acceptance of your contribution is made, and you receive an official e-COST invitation.


Call for Papers

Submissions are now open for invited and contributed papers.


DEADLINE: February 23 2024


Please use this template and upload it to the registration + submission form as a odt file.

The abstract should be on one page size A4 with the font size 12 pt. (Times New Roman), alignment left and right, all margins equal to 2.5 cm. The text must be submitted in electronic form in odt file in a final camera ready version. Header and footer of the text must be empty. The format of the abstract is described below:

  • first line: start with the title of the contribution in bold letters and with the size of lettering 14 pt. high,

  • skip one line,

  • first name and surname of the author (in the case of co-authors, put a comma between the names),

  • skip one line,

  • affiliation with full address including postcode

  • skip one line,

  • e-mail address of corresponding author,

  • skip two lines,

  • key words (if possible the same as in the text),

  • text of the abstract.

The author is responsible for the content and quality of contributions. Editorial amendments will not be done. The texts will be converted into the final version respecting the possibilities of the camera ready version. Header and footer of the text must be empty without numbering.

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