DYNALIFE WG1-WG2 Interaction Meeting
Data driven evidence: theoretical models and complex biological data
Dates: June 5 - 7, 2024
Venue: Teloglion Cultural Center, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
The dimension and diversity of biological data are ever-increasing. How to summarize this kind of data and how to use it to answer relevant biological questions in the framework of theoretical biology are open research questions. To integrate and test theoretical models on biological molecular mechanisms using this data is the ultimate challenge.
The primary objective of this interdisciplinary workshop is to bring together scientists from the fields of statistics, physics, mathematics, bioinformatics, biology, and computer sciences to address the following topics:
Linking WG1 (theoretical models) and WG2 (data analysis approaches), i.e. integrating and testing theoretical models with data. nullomers and free groups, transport processes in biomolecules, and modelling interactions between molecules using agents.
Addressing modern biological problems by analysing all kind of (high-dimensional) data. Specifically approaches for change point detection, omics data integration, machine learning approaches for genomics, and Markov chain theory for genomics.
Rather than being a series of informative talks, our goal is to create meaningful opportunities for collaborative work that address the specific objectives of DYNALIFE. Time will be allocated in the programme to discuss opportunities for ongoing and future collaborations among participants.
The conference will primarily address the specific objectives of WG2 and their interaction with WG1. However, it will be open to participants from all working groups who are aligned with the main challenge and specific objectives outlined for this grant period. The conference foresees plenary talks of 50 minutes (45 + discussion), long presentations of 25 minutes (20 + discussion), short presentations of 15 minutes (10 + discussion), poster sessions, and Working Tables. Parallel sessions will be avoided as much as possible. Slots will be allocated to the in-person Management Committee Meeting (MC), to WG meetings, and to a mixed (in-person-virtual) Core Group Meeting. Cross-field interaction and excellence will be also promoted through the plenary lectures by prominent keynote speakers.
Haeran Cho, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol
Marcos de la Peña, IBMCP, Polytechnic University of Valencia
Mark Robinson, Department of Molecular Life Sciences, University of Zurich
Nevena Ilieva, Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Scientific Committee
Jeanine Houwing-Duistermaat
Simone Giannerini
Diego Luis Gonzalez
Greta Goracci
Clara Gracio
Andigoni Malousi
Natasa Misic
Organizing Committee
Andigoni Malousi
Giorgos Tzimagiorgis
Bettina Haidich
Ioanna Chouvarda
Trigoniaris Dimitris
Anna Korda
Thanos Rousomanis
COST Reimbursement
The allocated funds for this Conference allow for around 60 fully reimbursed participants; thus, depending on the number of applications, we shall apply some constraints for deciding on full support; in case, the most important aspect is the presentation of a paper well aligned with the aims and objectives of the Action and/or with the thematic focus of the Workshop, specifically, within one of the proposals selected for discussion and testing in the framework of WG2 and biological data at large.
Please specify in the registration form whether you need a COST refund (i.e., you are not able to attend the conference without COST support). If you are relying on COST financial assistance, kindly refrain from making any travel arrangements until a decision on the acceptance of your contribution is made.
Call for Papers
Submissions are now open for contributed papers.
DEADLINE: May 12, 2024
Please use this template and upload it to the registration + submission form as a odt file.
The abstract should be on one page size A4 with the font size 12 pt. (Times New Roman), alignment left and right, all margins equal to 2.5 cm. The text must be submitted in electronic form in odt file in a final camera ready version. Header and footer of the text must be empty. The format of the abstract is described below:
first line: start with the title of the contribution in bold letters and with the size of lettering 14 pt. high,
skip one line,
first name and surname of the author (in the case of co-authors, put a comma between the names),
skip one line,
affiliation with full address including postcode
skip one line,
e-mail address of corresponding author,
skip two lines,
key words (if possible the same as in the text),
text of the abstract.
The author is responsible for the content and quality of contributions. Editorial amendments will not be done. The texts will be converted into the final version respecting the possibilities of the camera ready version. Header and footer of the text must be empty without numbering.